Buy Testogel Pump Online


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What is Testogel Pump?

Buy Testogel Pump Online is one of several forms of testosterone medication used to treat hypogonadism in men. Hypogonadism is an abnormally low level of testosterone caused by certain medical conditions rather than by the natural decrease that occurs with aging. The medical conditions that cause hypogonadism are usually disorders of the testicles, pituitary gland, or hypothalamus. Low testosterone in men can lead to characteristic decreases in energy, metabolism, and sex drive.

Like other forms of testosterone therapy, testosterone gel can cause side effects. However, what makes Buy Testogel Pump Online unique is that its side effects can be passed to others who accidentally come in contact with the application site. Understanding testosterone gel side effects as well as these additional risks can help keep you and others safe while you use this treatment.

Side effects

Testosterone gel may cause:

dry skin
hot flashes
insomnia (which may be cause by hot flashes at night)
anxiety or depression
muscle pain and weakness
decrease in libido
reduced sperm count

Risks to the user

Testosterone gel doesn’t pose the same risks of liver damage that other forms of testosterone do. It may increase your risk for prostate cancer, though, so your doctor will assess your risk. If it’s too great, your doctor may suggest another treatment.

Other factors that may prevent you from being a good candidate for testosterone gel include:

sleep apnea
heart disease
breast cancer
high levels of red blood cells

Effects in women

The risk of effects of testosterone gel in women who accidently touch the application site directly or through clothing are low. However, side effects can happen. These effects include increased acne and unusual hair growth. If you’re a woman who lives with someone using testosterone gel, it’s important that you avoid all contact with the product.

Additional information

Testogel Pump

1 Pump(s) x 16.2mg/g


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